English Life & Living
Students are developing their social skills this year through the life and living unit; Interacting in a group situation. Students will also be developing understanding of literacy through the unit; engaging in early reading activities.s
Students are developing their social skills this year through the life and living unit; Interacting in a group situation. Students will also be developing understanding of literacy through the unit; engaging in early reading activities.
Students are developing their social skills this year through the life and living unit; Interacting in a group situation. Students will also be developing understanding of literacy through the unit; engaging in early reading activities.
Maths Life & Living
Students will take part in the early Mathematics unit: developing number skills where they will engage in counting activities and develop recognition of the use of numbers in familiar contexts.
Students will take part in the early Mathematics unit: developing number skills where they will engage in counting activities and develop recognition of the use of numbers in familiar contexts.
Students will take part in the early Mathematics unit: developing number skills where they will engage in counting activities and develop recognition of the use of numbers in familiar contexts.
World of Work & Living Skills
Developing skills for the workplace: following instructions
Developing skills for the workplace: following instructions
Developing skills for the workplace: following instructions
ICT Life & Living
Interacting with ICT
Interacting with ICT
Interacting with ICT
Prepare, rehearse and present a collective Christmas Concert, developing awareness of audience, venue and occasion.
Extra Curricular – Meraki Duo Performance
To discuss and address our understanding of the global implications of Climate Change, learning the songs for a future cross-phased performance (Giraffes, 3.2, 5.3, 5.4) about “Global Warming”
Extra Curricular – Young Voices Concert, A4 Brass Quartet Performance
To share opportunities of solo/ensemble work, particularly with those who are less confident through a cross-phased performance (Giraffes, 3.2, 5.3, 5.4) about “Climate Change”
Extra Curricular – Cross-phase performance linked to “Climate Change”
Arts Award
5.4 will study Arts Award at ‘Discover’ level, designed to introduce them to the different art forms and provide the opportunity to visit cultural sites – museums, galleries & libraries and arts organisations.
Students are learning Life living skills to become more independent. Making choices about what they would like and learning new tastes and textures will broaden the experience of food products. Students will be supported and enjoy learning about food through different sensory activities.
Home Learning Resources
Beyond Words is a charity that provides books and training to support people who find pictures easier to understand than words. Whether supporting somebody with a learning disability or communication difficulty, our resources empower people through pictures.They have a collection of books which are free to download. These include:
- Beating the Virus – A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe. The story also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating. Supplementary text at the end of the story gives information on where people can seek help if they are unwell and signposts to other useful resources.
- Good Days and Bad Days During Lockdown – A wordless booklet with scenes from existing Beyond Words stories looking at what makes a ‘good day’ and what makes a ‘bad day’.Scenes address social distancing, lockdown, mental health and daily routines.