We have a school app that is our primary way to communicate with parents. It is provided by a company called Reach more Parents (formerly known as weduc) and our school (and others) use their platform to keep in touch with parents.

How we use the app
The Reach more Parents app provides a collection of great features that can be broken down into these three key areas:
Celebration of our pupils
The app contains a news feed where we our class staff post updates about each class during the week. Allowing parents to see what their child has been involved in. We included photos and sometimes videos too.
We encourage all parents to get the app and see all the good work their child has been doing.
Communicating school matters
We use the app to let parents now about all the important things. It provides us with several ways to do this. Depending on information we may post it on the newsfeed, pin it as a notice or message it directly to a parent. We may even request for a form to be filled in. All within the app.
It’s important for parents to have the app so they can stay up to day on school matters.
We collect school related payments through the app too. This allows parents to pay for trips, school dinners and other things from the comfort of their own phone.
A quick overview
The main menu of the app below and shows the features on offer.
Guides for Parents
Below you can find a few guides to help you do key things with our app.