Welcome message from Jo Bowen, Sixth form leading lead

Welcome to Wilson Stuart Sixth form.Sixth form consists of year 12, 13 and 14.Throughout the three-year duration, students will undertake opportunities that aims to embed life skills and learning which supports preparation for adulthood.

Pathways within sixth form are designed upon individual needs and learning is tailored to accommodate these.These bespoke learning approaches all have students Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) as the driving force for Learning.The Personal Learning goals (PLGs) that arise from these integral documents form part of the assessment process. As a result, this ensures that the learning undertaken is student centered and relevant.
We pride ourselves on creating learning opportunities to allow students to apply learning to real life situations. This allows students to get ready for next steps beyond Wilson Stuart. These projects allow for learning to take place not only within school, but also the local andwider community.
We are very pleased and excited to welcome students and families tosixth form and look forward to working together on this journey.

What does learning look like in Sixth Form ?

Sixth form has high expectations for student’s to be involved with learning opportunities both within the school community as well as within the local and wider community. Students will embark on a range of exciting projects that will encourage students’ development of life skills provided application of these skills to ‘real life’ projects and situations.

Preparation for adulthood is a key driving force for the learning that takes place within sixth form.

Independence, Employment, Community Inclusion and Good health, are echoed from Students Educations Health Care Plan’s (EHCPs), to provide opportunities for students have meet their personal targets along the way encourages a personal learning approach.

Embedded throughout this journey are the Communication, Independence, Resilience, Confidence, Leadership and Esteem(CIRCLE) values, to further enhance students learning and development. These essential skills will not only support learning in sixth from but provide a set of transferable skillsto support in life beyond Wilson Stuart.

Circle Values

The Circle values are a key thread throughout all learning.Lessonactivities promote these skills to support learning life learning.


The Gatsby Benchmarks contribute to sixth form learning through the Careers programme.Meeting new people, enterprise-based projects and careers option fair are just some of the opportunities for students and families to get involved with.Jackie Hopkins (Careers advisor), is on hand to discuss next steps and options with students and families.Jackie is well known by studentsand is a familiar face to all.

**Please see the careers section of the website for more information.

Photographed events:

Enterprise selling at Tesco
Careers talk from Café Manager
Shopping trip
Future options event

Travel Training and road safety

Students have been working with Birmingham City council to learn how to travel independently and safely within the community. Students have been learning road safety and had opportunities of practicing getting on and off a bus.

Selected students have also piloted the Birmingham City council Independent Travel Training (ITT)programme. This has involved families working with a trained mentor and students undertake a course to ensure they know how to plan journey, board buses/trains safely and move around the community on a safe manner.

**Please refer to the ‘Independent Travel Training’ section of the website for more information.

Class Information