Latest Coronavirus update

Update 18th June

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you and your families continue to be fit and well. I am pleased to be able to tell you that we now have small groups of both Primary and Secondary students in school. The plans and organisation we have put in place are working well. The students we have in are pleased to be back, as are the staff who are now back working in school. Everyone is reporting that they feel safe and that school feels as normal as it can be in the circumstances. As you will see from the photographs, we have cleared class spaces to enable social distancing, and the one-way system we have put in place around school is working well. We are of course continuing to provide support for home learning and maintaining contact with our families in an attempt provide all the support we can during these difficult times.

Given how well things have gone so far, it is our intention to increase the numbers of pupils in schools when we are able. This will be limited by the government guidance, the classroom space we have, and our ability to maintain safe social distancing in school. This will also depend upon how many pupils will be allowed on buses. At the moment, there has been no change in the Government’s thinking that parents can choose whether or not they want to send their children to school and this remains your choice. I can assure you we will keep you updated well in advance of any changes that we are proposing to make.

There is some good news for parents who qualify for free school meals in that these will continue through the summer holidays. Wilson Stuart will not be opening as a school during the summer holidays, but we do have plans to open our grounds and play areas to our families from 10.00 am to 2pm each day through the summer holidays for our families. We will give details of how this scheme will be organised over the next few weeks.

Please contact us if you need any help, support or advice,

Kind regards and keep safe,

Steve Hughes,

Executive Head Teacher