Remote Learning can be accessed daily and you will get information on this via the school app weduc.

Using the website above you can access curriculum content appropriate for the age and key stage of your child. Other links can be found below specific to subject areas.

Free Resources

Literacy Donaldson Home Learning Packs
Literacy Speed Sounds lessons
Early Years / Primary / Secondary Maths lessons

Numicon monsters

Numicon hunt
Art[0]=AZUyDh4SJz4xuI_qGbud1Q1y5nl_0TBj1YTvx4zmzGyclZCH9MCqjzsSUe_sS6Wk4xxauEisnjHQJ2EWKv8ckHnBqG2UHJAo5PruJqzxPT4I1Ay3wIz_7ZVZ_pzhlRfE6rk&tn=qArt sessions every Monday and Thursday at 10:30am. Starting Monday 11th Jan. Suitable for all ages.
Maths/English/Science full of videos, quizzes and practice activities. Yr 1 – Yr 9
Science topics, games and worksheets.

Simple fun experiments for younger children.

Science resources including home safe experiments and practical activities
Literacy Walliams reading “The boy in the dress”
All Subjects books, online games, interactive resources and more!

Login details:
Username – jan21
Password – home
Lots of free phonics games!
Literacy variety of free animated stories and resources
Maths tutorial videos
PE Home Activities

Beyond Words is a charity that provides books and training to support people who find pictures easier to understand than words. Whether supporting somebody with a learning disability or communication difficulty, our resources empower people through pictures.They have a collection of books which are free to download.  These include:

  1. Beating the Virus –  A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe.  The story also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating.  Supplementary text at the end of the story gives information on where people can seek help if they are unwell and signposts to other useful resources.
  2. Good Days and Bad Days During Lockdown –  A wordless booklet with scenes from existing Beyond Words stories looking at what makes a ‘good day’ and what makes a ‘bad day’.Scenes address social distancing, lockdown, mental health and daily routines.