Infection control
Staff must not attend school if they have any Covid19 symptoms
Infection control
Staff showing any symptoms must have a test
Staff entrance to school
Staff must enter school via the main entrance and wait for a temperature check before moving on to class bases. Staff to use hand sanitiser after temperature check.
Social distancing
Staff in class group bases. Class staff to remain in bases all day except for lunch, break and going to the toilet.
Bubble 1 – Blue Sky, Bubble 2 – Primary, 5.5 and TBC, Bubble 3 – Secondary and 6th form, Bubble 4 – College.
Bubbles MUST NOT mix at break or lunches. Staff to ensure they are 2m from each other where possible especially when not working with the children.
Telephone system to be used to communicate to other classes and nurses.
Bathroom areas
Bathrooms to be cleaned down after each child has been changed. Full PPE to be worn always when bathrooming.
Staff to use toilets closest to their class. If toilets are in use, please return a few minutes later. (No queueing)
Remember hand washing is essential!
Break, lunch and toilets for staff
Break and lunch times to be staggered.
Les Hayes hall to be used as a Secondary staff room
6th form to use their own staff room – This must be staggered due to size of venue
Primary, 5.5, TBC to use main staff room
Cleaning products to be placed in all staffroom areas and once staff have finished break/lunch they are responsible for wiping down their area. Staff sitting in staffroom areas to be 2m from other staff and not sat next to each other.
Staff clothing
Staff must wear clean clothes every day.