Classroom bases

Primary classes will stay in their class group Secondary classes will now follow their normal curriculum timetable

Break / Lunch

Parents to provide breaktime snacks and drinks if required.

Lunch times will be staggered across groups to ensure staff have sufficient breaks. Lunch will be a packed lunch from the canteen or provided by parents. Moulied foods will continue. Some parents have decided to send in children with food from home. If food needs reheating, temperature probes MUST be used.

Collecting food: 1 member of staff from each class to collect packed lunch from the hatch. Staff must socially distance when waiting.

Lunch 12:00-12:30 – Caterpillars, Bees, Ladybirds, Hedgehogs

Lunch 12:30-1:00 – Meerkats, Turtles, Monkeys, Giraffes

Lunch 1:00-1:30 – 6th form inc 5.5, PMLD

Lunch 1:30-2:00 – Secondary

Lunch time supervisors to be allocated to a Primary class and a Secondary class/6th form. LTS to wear full PPE, remove once finished in Primary, wash hands and a clean set to be put on before entering secondary class.

Eating and Drinking mats must be kept in the classroom and wiped down with anti-bacterial spray both pre- and post-dinner

Admin staff

Admin team will continue to provide on-site support each day. All the other Admin staff will continue to work from home. Rota has been drawn up and monitored by DR.