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In Ladybirds we follow a sensory curriculum driven by the Routes for learning map. This means each child will be working towards a communication and cognition target, as well as a self-help and independence target and a physical development target. Pupils in Ladybirds class also experience creative and sensory lessons, non-verbal drama, sensory music, mindfulness, rebound therapy and hydrotherapy.

Cognition & Communication

Each half term we explore a different theme, this year’s themes are: Colours, Different Cultures, Once upon a time, Transport and Water. Ladybirds regularly take part in different sensory activities designed to support their individualised cognition and communication targets, taken from the Routes for Learning Map. Staff work hard to build a positive relationship with the pupils to get to know their favourite resources and experiences, in order to deliver motivating activities. In Ladybirds lots of different communication methods are used to support the pupils throughout the day such as, Tassels (on body signing), Makaton, Objects of Reference, and visual and musical cues.

Physical Development

Physical Development is a very important aspect in Ladybirds, and pupils are given daily opportunities to explore different ways of moving and activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Staff in Ladybirds class work closely with the physiotherapy team to support each pupil’s development, offering them daily opportunities to follow their physiotherapy programme.

Self Help & Independence

Each pupil in Ladybirds has an individual self-help and independence target that they have the opportunity to meet daily. The class staff work very hard to encourage as much independence as possible for the pupils, whether it be encouraging independence during a sensory activity, or supporting pupils at snack and lunch time to develop more independence.