Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is an integral part of Wilson Stuarts School’s curriculum and fits directly in with the whole school development plan. Learners participate in planned and coordinated activities which allow students and pupils to build confidence, resilience and motivation, whilst enabling them to make choices and manage transitions related to their future education, training, employment and/ or life as an adult.
The intent of our Careers curriculum at Wilson Stuart School is to provide a stable careers programme which works within the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good. We recognise it is our statutory duty to adhere to the Careers Strategy and the Statutory Guidance published in January 2018. Wilson Stuarts School’s Careers Programme aims to raise the aspirations and widen the horizons of all our learners whilst being tailored to individual needs. The Programme informs learners of the range of opportunities available to them, encouraging them to aim higher and make choices relevant to what they feel they can achieve.
For full details around our strategy and delivery of careers please see document below :