Update 26 May
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you and you families are well, and if you have celebrated Eid that you have enjoyed your family celebrations. I wanted to keep you updated about our plans for increasing pupil numbers. Many of our staff are working at the moment on plans for how we will manage social distancing and teaching in school when we return, and there is a great deal of work on risk assessments. Our risk assessments will cover a wide range of issues regarding all of the aspects we will need to consider, including risk assessments for each individual pupil.
We are planning to increase primary student numbers from Tuesday June 9th, followed by secondary students coming in from Monday June 15th. To begin with, we feel inviting a very small number of pupils who would be at least risk medically would be the safest option. This will enable us to minimise risk as we put our plans into practice. Following this we then aim to expand pupil numbers carefully and slowly. We will be calling parents a week in advance to discuss their views about a return to school for their child. To help them make a decision, before we call, we will be publishing and sharing what we will be doing to keep everyone safe. Can I reassure parents that a return to school for your child will be your decision. We will be happy to discuss your concerns in detail, but there will be no pressure put upon you from school. I am confident our arrangements will be as good as they can be and will reassure many parents. I am also hoping that in the coming weeks infection rates and deaths will reduce significantly and this will help to lower anxieties for us all.
I have spoken to all our staff this week. Everyone is keen to get back to normal, as I am sure you are too. We will not delay in moving forward to reopening school, but we will not rush or take any risks we can avoid.
I hope you enjoy this half term, as always, please get in touch if you need any help or advice, school will be operating throughout the half term holiday if you do need help.
Keep safe and kind regards,
Steve Hughes,
Executive Head Teacher