Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all well. We hope the new section on our website is of help to you. We are adding details for you today about how you can register as a priority for home shopping deliveries, which may be helpful for you.
We are currently awaiting for Free School Meal Vouchers Codes for those students who have a benefit-related entitlement to come through from the Local Authority. Once school receives the E-Codes these will be distributed to parents via email, text, or post.
The government have stated that there is no requirement to continue to provide a Universal Infant Free School to those pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 who are not attending school. However,pupils in these year group who also have a benefit-related entitlement will still continue to receive support via the Free School Meal Voucher Scheme.
We are also looking to develop a messaging and news service so we can post pictures and messages to each other in order to keep in touch. I am sure many of our students and staff are really missing seeing each other and we hope this will brighten everyone’s lives a little.
Please keep safe, kind regards,
Steve Hughes
Executive Headteacher