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Welcome to our class.

Our Subjects



Animals: Generic SOW looking at basic reading and writing skills

Poetry: Reading, Writing and Performing different types of poems


Non-Fiction and Media: Students explore media resources and consider how they persuade their audiences. Students will also produce some of their own persuasive writing

Fairy tales and Short Stories: Exploring a range of texts and writing creatively


Shakespeare: Looking the context and times and reading extracts from Macbeth. Students will also have the opportunity to role play sections and rewrite the ending.


Number: four operations, starting with addition and subtraction. Calculation methods and strategies, practise skills such as counting on and partitioning, and using mental maths. Learn maths vocabulary, and use skills to play games and solve problems.
Shape: time, days of the week & months of the year and Exploring 2D & 3D Shapes
U&A: Data collection, patterns, sorting

Number: Multiplication and division, reinforcing the links between these skills and knowledge of addition and subtraction. Reinforce learning with games, roleplay, equipment and real-life contexts wherever possible.
Shape: symmetry, ordering & position, directions & rotation
U&A: Data collection, patterns, sorting

Number: Consolidate all skills, and look also at fractions, decimals and negative numbers. Using mathematical  skills outdoors
Shape: money and measuring- length, weight and capacity

U&A: Data collection, patterns, sorting


Waves and chemical changes


Electricity and magnetism


Plants and ecosystems



Number, times table practice, addition and subtraction, place value,


Shape, times tables, number bonds


Using and applying, money, times tables



Understanding Computers: Learning how to log onto the schools network with their individual logins, to navigate around a computer and understand where to locate different software.

Microsoft Office: Students to learn how to log onto Microsoft Word insert text and use a variety of different functions to edit the information.


Microsoft Office: Students to learn how to log onto Microsoft PowerPoint, insert text, images and how to layout a presentation against a set criteria. Students will present their work and get the opportunity to edit their presentation after feedback given.

Online Safety: Students are to learn about Online Safety, they will be taught about the dangers online and how to stay safe online.


Coding: Students will get the opportunity to use a coding device called ‘Microbit’ They will learn how to connect the device, insert simple code and learn how to debug code.

Multimedia: Students will get the opportunity to learn how to use a variety of devices that take photos. They will learn what a good/bad photo is, how to download them and how to edit them.



Target Games


Dance/ Gymnastics 


Striking & Fielding Game


Prepare, rehearse and present a collective Christmas Concert, developing awareness of audience, venue and occasion.

Extra Curricular – Meraki Duo Performance

Percussion Instruments (tuned and un-tuned) and understanding how the sound is created.

Extra Curricular – Young Voices Concert, A4 Brass Quartet Performance

Melody and repeated patterns.

Extra Curricular – Cross-phase performance linked to “Climate Change”


What is the History of the Bourneville Cadbury site? World War 2 study: What were the causes? What countries were involved? What happened at Dunkirk? The Battle of Britain. How good a leader was Winston Churchill? What was it like living through the war? What was the Holocaust? How did the war end in Europe? How did the war end in the Pacific?

The inter-war years: – the Treaty of Versailles; the Depression and the rise of the dictators.



What are factories, how do they work and where are they located. A study of the Cadbury factory in Bourneville.  World geography study – where are the world’s most wonderful places?

What is it like living in China?

How has glaciation shaped the land?


Students will be learning how to use a range of simple equipment within the kitchen.  Knife skills, baking and designing healthy snacks will allow students to understand the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. A range of breakfast ideas and simple packed lunches are what is on the menu.

Home Learning Resources

Beyond Words is a charity that provides books and training to support people who find pictures easier to understand than words. Whether supporting somebody with a learning disability or communication difficulty, our resources empower people through pictures.They have a collection of books which are free to download.  These include:

  1. Beating the Virus –  A short wordless story, that will help people to understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those who you care about safe.  The story also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating.  Supplementary text at the end of the story gives information on where people can seek help if they are unwell and signposts to other useful resources.
  2. Good Days and Bad Days During Lockdown –  A wordless booklet with scenes from existing Beyond Words stories looking at what makes a ‘good day’ and what makes a ‘bad day’.Scenes address social distancing, lockdown, mental health and daily routines.