Wilson Stuart School takes safeguarding of pupils and staff very seriously. Child protectionand safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We utilise the Birmingham Right Help, Right Time model to place the voice of the child at the centre of planning, decision making and service delivery. The school and professionals have a legal duty under section 11 of the Children’ Act 2004 to ensure that their functions are discharged with regard to the need to safeguard children and promote their welfare; by safeguarding and promoting welfare we mean:

  • protecting children from abuse or neglect,
  • preventing impairment to the child’s health or development,
  • ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care,
  • preventing extremist radicalisation
  • promoting optimum life chances.

The school has a legal duty to pass on all relevant safeguarding information to the appropriate services. In most cases, we will inform the family concerned that we have passed on information. However, we will not inform the family if the school feels that the child will be placed at increased risk of harm. This is a school decision.

If you have any concerns you have a duty to report it to any of the following members of senior staff. The following members of staff can be contacted on 0121 373 4475.

Designated child protection staff

Our Safeguarding Policy.

The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub is available on 0121 303 1888 orMASH@birmingham.gov.uk for safeguarding concerns. If you contact them directly, you must inform one of the designated senior staff above.

In an emergency where a child’s safety is at immediate risk of significant harm you can contact West Midlands Police on 999.

Further information can be found at www.lscbbirmingham.org.uk.

Support for families through the Children’s Information and Advice Service is available on 0121 303 1888 or familyinformation@birmingham.gov.uk (school admissions, local family support, early help brokerage support, respite support, multi-agency safeguarding)

Videos of Interest

Family Support

My name is Peter Keenan; I am employed by Wilson Stuart School to run a Family Support Service within the school.

The school recognise the benefits of families having access to support and intervention when required. The intension is to provide a proactive support service based within school, which will be available to all families, whenever required, while the children attend Wilson Stuart School.

In helping your family I would co-ordinate any agencies you feel your family would benefit from to get you the support needed.

Support Offered.

  • Handling children’s behaviour
  • Children’s routines and boundaries
  • Family Relationships
  • Resolving debt issues
  • Returning to work
  • Housing issues
  • Change in Family Dynamics
  • No support networks
  • Being overwhelmed

How to make contact.

Let your child’s teacher know using: home / school diary
Call the school on: 0121 373 4475
Email me: p.keenan@wilsonstuart.co.uk

Once you make contact the school’s Family Support Framework will be put in place which will ensure you receive the most Proactive Support to meet your family’s needs.