Symptoms check

All staff and students will have their temperatures checked with a thermal imaging camera at a safe distance prior to entering the school building to make sure nobody with a high temperature enters the building.

Social Distancing measure 1

Cleaners will clean all class bases and bathroom in use each day starting at 6:00am and leave the building before staff and students arrive.

Social Distancing measure 2

Cleaners will work in separate classes without having any contact with each other.

Deep clean

Each class base and bathroom will be deep cleaned and touch points such as light switches and door handles will be cleaned with antibacterial cleaner.

Cleaning materials

Each class base and bathroom will have separate cleaning materials which will only be used for that class base to avoid any cross over between bases. These will be replenished each day and stored locally.

Cleaning equipment

Each class base and bathroom will have separate cleaning equipment which will only be used for that class base to avoid any cross over between bases. These will be stored locally.

Cleaning log

Each class base and bathroom will have a log to show the frequency of cleans and signed by the cleaner assigned to that class base

Classroom resources and touch points

Class staff to be responsible for the cleaning of toys/shared equipment in their own bases. No soft toys or furnishings to be out.

Class staff are responsible for touch point cleaning in their classroom and surrounding corridor areas every hour including the phone – Every class has an individual signing sheet