Believe Pathway 

Students following the Believe pathway fall within the school sixth form provision whereby the Preparing for Adulthood agenda becomes a strong focus equipping students with a wide range of real life experiences that will set them up for a life outside Wilson Stuart including relevant accreditation.


Through the Believe sixth form pathway, we aim to ensure that our young people are prepared for adulthood by providing a range of opportunities and experiences through applying classroom learning to ‘real life’ situations.  Applied learning opportunities are fundamental to the sixth from package allowing students to gain first-hand experience of Life skills whilst developing confidence and independence.  Community links, Enterprise and opportunity underpin the drive for students to succeed on their journey into adulthood  


  • Confident in their own learning and communicating effectively with one another, staff and in unfamiliar surroundings. 
  • Independently approaching tasks but knowing when and how to ask for appropriate help and support when needed (3BsB4Me) 
  • Demonstrating resilience and initiative in their school work and during home learning tasks- including study days 
  • Being organised and  prepared for lessons, whether that be having their own equipment, including voca, and being punctual and prepared for  timetabled lessons  and appointments 
  • Active members of the community by participating in local activities and events both inside and outside of school 
  • Setting own targets for personal development relating to EHCPs and embedding them in daily activities to demonstrate engagement and  progress 
  • Making informed decisions when presented with choices to explore new interests and skills 
  • Aware of the options available to them for individual development, now and in the future 
  • Recognise the advantages sixth from offers students as part of their journey in preparing for adulthood 
  • Using technology confidently throughout all work i.e. weduc, seesaw, zoom, email… 
  • Promote a love of reading. 


We achieve our intentions by:  

  • Utilising a concise and  confident teaching and support team for each course which is led by a strong leader 
  • Quality training for staff to have a good understanding of the course and logistics 
  • Regular SWAT analysis on teaching and learning, pupil progress and  reviews of student progress  
  • Teacher and TA sharing good practice 
  • Students to have exposure to new experiences to enhance learning opportunities 
  • Students and staff voice for ideas and encourage all to embrace the new approach to learning 
  • Strong ethos preparing for adulthood in work whilst encompassing the C.I.R.C.L.E values 
  • Networking and linking with Hive and other post 19 destinations to provide insight and choice for students next steps 
  • Parent/student workshops-Parental engagement 
  • Frequent offsite visits to venues, shops, care homes etc. to build community links and give learners the much needed exposure to the community to independence and confident in using these essential services  

The curriculum that is offered through the sixth form pathway: 

Believe 1 

  • PTA-Personal development and employability skills – Community and collaborative based projects  
  • Cope- building community links/maths/English/environment issues/IT   
  • ICT/ART-Multi-media based projects utilising both subjects to support accredited courses (TBC) 
  • English and Maths –GCSE resits and entry level accreditations/challenges to ensure students have qualification to access colleges. 
  • PSHCE –strengthening the knowledge, skills, and connections to keep learners and healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work. 
  • Functional/applied life skills-travel training, shopping, asking for help, road safety, purchasing goods… 
  • Transition –Students research and investigate what next steps are available to them after WS.  Planning for future and transitions in life  
  • Health and well-being: healthy body, mind and spirit  
  • Cooking-independent life skills to support healthy lifestyle. 
  • Creative 
  • Flexi Friday-a selection of activities that are on offer for students to make a choice about what they would like to participate in. This can link to SDP in learning through play and developing independence through decision making and developing maturity.  
  • Take part in the whole school reading reward programme. 

Believe 2 / 3 

  • PTA-Personal development and employability skills /Community based projects that embed leadership team work maths/English skills 
  • AoPE- building community links/maths/English/environment issues/ICT  
  •  PSHCE –strengthening the knowledge, skills, and connections to keep learners and healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work 
  • Creativity-To provide students an outlet to expressive themselves through a creative art form 
  • Transition –Student cover topics about transition in life, talks about day care centres, Types of living accommodation available, colleges etc. Ex-students to give talks along with external agencies to provide insight 
  • Functional/applied life skills: travel training, shopping, asking for help, road safety, purchasing goods delivered through Numeracy and Literacy Life Skills Challenges. 
  • Cooking-independent life skills to support healthy lifestyle. 
  • Health and well-being-Healthy body mind and spirit  
  • ICT 
  • Flexi Friday-a selection of activities that are on offer for students to make a choice about what they would like to participate in. This can link to SDP in learning through play and developing independence through decision making and developing maturity. 
  • Take part in the whole school reading reward programme. 


The impact of the Believe 6th form Pathway provision is demonstrated through the development of pupils who are: 

  • Students are active members of the local community 
  • Have interests and hobbies they can continue in their own time 
  • Confident in talking to familiar faces and asking question to find out further information 
  • Are informed of options available to them for post 19 and beyond 
  • Have a sense of ownership of their own actions and impact on others 
  • Prepared for the next steps into their adulthood journey 
  • Promotes Independence